

Demo 22/7

STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgien, Gent TARGET AUDIENCE: CHALLENGE APPROACH Wrapping up candidate release EXPECTED OUTCOME string See this case live on DUET gent_road_network gent_road_network See this case live on DUET See this case

2022-07-22T07:40:59+00:00July 22nd, 2022|Duet|0 Comments

Athens DUET Test Case

CHALLENGE Athens Test Case. Register a case from the map. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state. A center for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum, it is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, largely because of its cultural and

2022-05-31T12:41:05+00:00May 31st, 2022|Duet, Greece|0 Comments

31 May Flanders Duet Test Case 3

STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgien, Gent TARGET AUDIENCE: citizens CHALLENGE How to best visualise the simulation of the impact of a road closure on the traffic in the surrounding streets in an unambiguous and comprehensive way? That was the question that triggered the DUET technical team to create the delta

2022-05-31T12:18:43+00:00May 31st, 2022|Duet|0 Comments

31 May Flanders Duet Test Case 2

STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgien, Gent TARGET AUDIENCE: citizens CHALLENGE How to best visualise the simulation of the impact of a road closure on the traffic in the surrounding streets in an unambiguous and comprehensive way? That was the question that triggered the DUET technical team to create the delta

2022-05-31T12:18:51+00:00May 31st, 2022|Duet|0 Comments

31 May Flanders Duet Test Case 1

STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgien, Gent TARGET AUDIENCE: citizens CHALLENGE How to best visualise the simulation of the impact of a road closure on the traffic in the surrounding streets in an unambiguous and comprehensive way? That was the question that triggered the DUET technical team to create the delta

2022-05-31T12:18:33+00:00May 31st, 2022|Duet|0 Comments

Construction of a new western bypass in Pilsen

STATUS : ongoing LOCATION : Plzen, Czech Republic TARGET AUDIENCE : Policymakers and public interested to know what impact the traffic restriction has on air quality and noise pollution. APPROACH A user can draw a new road connected to the existing road network and enter its transport capacity. The traffic model will

2022-05-31T12:39:33+00:00January 12th, 2022|Czech, Duet|0 Comments

Traffic restriction at Americká street in Pilsen

STATUS : ongoing LOCATION : Plzen, Czech Republic TARGET AUDIENCE : Policymakers and public interested to know what impact the traffic restriction has on air quality and noise pollution. APPROACH A user can select a road segment and apply a road closure or traffic reduction. The traffic model will calculate the effect

2022-05-31T12:39:19+00:00December 17th, 2021|Czech, Duet|0 Comments
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